Trusts, Wills & Power of Attorney
David M. Dunne Solicitors work with clients and their families on all matters involved with the creation of a will as well as other matters involving probate and administration of estates.
Our experienced solicitors are able to assist with all aspects relating to trusts, wills and enduring powers of attorney, including:
Our team have the skills and experience necessary to ensure that the process of creating a Will or taking out a Grant of Probate or Administration is as simple and stress-free as possible.
David M. Dunne Solicitors provide advice and support on all matters related to probate. Probate defines the process by which the assets of someone who has passed are distributed in accordance with their Will. The representative(s) of the deceased is known as the Executor(s).
In cases where a will has not been created, the process is called Administration. As experienced solicitors, we can also assist with the Administration process, including extracting a Grant of Probate, completing Inland Revenue Affidavits and arranging to payment of Taxation, if appropriate.
Power of Attorney
If required, we can also assist with appointing an Enduring Power of Attorney. An Enduring Power of Attorney is somebody who you have appointed to take control of your personal and financial affairs should there be a reason that you cannot make these decisions yourself.